Azure Pack – Recover from a disaster

This post is not talking about recovering from a failed data center or Azure Site recovery procedures. No, it’s just “simple” recovery when everything went down for whatever kind of reason. I mean, we are humans and we make mistakes. Even in an environment as Azure they make mistakes. Remember …

VM Usage not updated in Azure Pack

One of our customers was building a billing solution for their Azure Pack environment. We just finished the implementation of the fabric and the configuration of Azure Pack. We started testing and all worked fine. We also configured the integration between SCOM and VMM for usage and configured usage in …

Hyper-V NVGRE Gateway Toolkit

Hyper-V NVGRE Gateways are used to allow Virtual Networks in Hyper-V to connect to the internet or establish a VPN connection to the tenant’s on premise environment. An NVGRE Gateway Cluster is configured as a 2 node cluster. You can download a Service Template in VMM to deploy the Gateway’s …

Hyper-V Networking NVGRE do’s and don’t

I wrote a guest post on about my experience with Hyper-V Network Virtualization. I came across the issue when a customer wants to bring their own firewall in Azure Pack. After we started to configure the firewall and the virtual machines we experienced very interesting routing issues. you can read the …