Announcing Mark Scholman Academy

Announcing Mark Scholman Academy

I am thrilled today that I can announce my first (free) course on my academy. I started with this idea last year and build towards this moment to share with you that I released the course: Introduction to the Azure Stack Family!

Azure Stack Edge, Azure Stack HCI and Azure Stack Hub are the 3 family members that make the Azure Stack Family. Would you like to know more on what are these products, how you can use them and what’s new within these family members? Then sign up today and learn all about the Azure Stack Family.

Enroll for free in the course: Introduction to the Azure Stack Family

I hope you enjoy the course and any feedback is welcome! Future courses are already schedule and in development and will be first focusing more on the Azure Stack Hub member. These are courses on Operating Azure Stack Hub and Architecting Azure Stack Hub. Pre order is already available already and modules will drop once they are finished!