Speaking at Experts Live

This year I am going to speak at Experts Live. Experts Live is a Dutch event organized by the community for the community. It’s really a fast growing event. If I recall correctly the last 3 years, they achieved a grow of audience by over 15-20% each year. So the community in the Netherlands is growing fast. Also this year they have many speakers from outside The Netherlands. So the program is created in a way that even if you are not from the Netherlands there is a session in every time block (but separate tracks) given in English.

If we look at the different tracks this year at Experts Live, they have:

Beside the sessions there is this year also a lot organized around it. There is a IoT Hackathon and a course for learning how to boost your presentation skills.

Overall, A packed event with a lot of cool stuff. Make sure you’ll be there!

I am proud that my session is selected. I will be talking about Network Virtualization with this session:

Extend your multi-tenant WAP with NVGRE in 60 minutes

In this design session we will deep dive in the design and best practices for implementing network virtualization in your Azure Pack Cloud. In this session there is also allocated enough time to bring your questions regarding network virtualization and implementation on your on premise environment.

Furthermore, I am happy to say that I have a part in the closing note. What it is all about I cannot tell in detail but probably you have seen many Tesla stuff on the Experts Live website and can tell you this, it has something to do with that!


So I hope to see you at Experts Live this year. Tickets are available at http://www.expertslive.nl/inschrijven/

For more information please visit the website at: http://www.expertslive.nl/