Deploying BitLocker / MBAM (TPM+PIN) with SCCM 2007 OSD

I was reading on technet about bitlocker and possibilities to manage this central and deploying it centrally. I was looking for possibilities to deploy it with SCCM and found on technet nice article I would like to share with you. This blog post will give a high level overview on …

A list of SCCM log files

A List of SCCM Log Files The client logs are located in the %WINDIR%System32CCMLogs folder or %WINDIR%SysWOW64CCMLogs (for x64 OS). The SCCM server log files are located in the <INSTALL_PATH>Logs or SMS_CCMLogs folder. IIS logs can be found in %WINDIR%System32logfilesW3SVC1 folder. Client Log Files CAS – Content Access Service. Maintains …